Kieran Doyle is a certified SCAMPI Lead Appraiser and High Maturity Lead Appraiser, and has conducted appraisals in many countries around the world. Kieran is also a certified instructor for all of the current CMMI models, and has also worked with the SEI and the CMMI Institute on developing training materials.

Kieran has extensive experience of applying business improvement principles in many different settings, using a variety of frameworks to guide organisations. This has included all three CMMI frameworks (Development, Services and Acquisition), but also a range of ISO standards (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 20000, ISO 27000, etc.); the EFQM Business Excellence Model; etc.

Kieran draws on over 20 years experience of developing software as a software engineer, quality manager and project manager to help with these business improvement activities. Much of this was in a telecommunications setting, but defence, and education have also featured in Kieran’s career.

Kieran has helped a number of range of organisations with their business improvement journeys, including defence, telecommunications, banking, education, acquisition and outsourcing, government, retail and financial services.